Monday, June 30, 2014

Keep Silent!

Sometimes silence is the greatest source of power!

For as much as you would like to defend yourself and prove your innocence, there are times when the fight is pointless. More often than not, our opponent has no control over his/her own words, emotions, and actions.

In these cases, why waste your energy on such a person! The moment you start to blurt out your defense, in the intensity of the moment you are likely to say a few things you hadn't meant to. Not only that but, have you seen a person argue by themselves? It's funny! They get so mad because the are failing to get a reaction out of you! They feel powerless. And once they see you are not falling for their drama, the feel ridiculous, which usually cause them so become very angry!!

I find this amusing. Is that mean?!

I feel like, the more you keep your mouth shut, even though you have done nothing wrong and you really want to clear your good name, by saying nothing, you are filled with all this power. So much that even your chest is held out high for not letting out one word! But the second you waste your time defending yourself to meaningless argument by a meaningless person, you start to deflate like a balloon. Congratulations, you just became meaningless too!

The chances of that person believing you in the first place are really low anyway. Why bother correcting people like that. You know the truth and that's enough. If a person does not want to accept all the truths about you, they can go find people full of lies so that their accusations, claims, judgments and opinions can be made true!

Don't do it, don't feed the flame. If that person feels the need to attack you and is incapable of seeing the truth, then they don't deserve to have you in the first place! Consider the source! Monkey see monkey do. You don't have to be a monkey, that's all I'm saying!

Let the monkey act like one, when it sees you not partaking in the ridiculous behavior, it will go find other monkeys to act like a fool with!

You on the other hand, act like a mature human being and you will attract the same type of people in your life!

Thought of the day:

No monkey business!

Dr. Nobody

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