Tuesday, June 10, 2014

As you can see, by the lack of new posts, I have been doing well! I seem to get a lot of my inspiration from my "lows".

You too can go along time feeling better than usual. Before you know it, feeling well and inspired to live will be your new "usual".

Nobody is going to magically appear and wish your worries away. There is now Night in Shining Armor to make you feel better. There is no such Goddess who will use her charms to take your Depression away.

That's all you!

You have to do it! All you have to do is change your mindset. MINDSET.

If you can perceive something the opposite you do now, then the feeling you have now would be the opposite too!

Right now you feel hopeless, worthless, mad, hateful even. You have no desire to change anything you do because it's a waste of time and energy since you know nothing will work anyway. You are tired of feeling disappointed and getting your hopes up. You are also afraid of doing something that would actually work and then you think you will feel like a fool for not having the answer earlier, especially when  you find out the answer was a simple one.

All those negative thoughts and feelings are understandable, but, do you really want your Depression to go away? Don't say yes if you are not willing to do something about it! I don't care how many pills you've tried, how many psychologists  you have seen, how many times you've been "admitted", how many "attempts" you've made, or how many people you know think you just want attention. If you do not want to take a persons advice in order to help yourself find some relief, then as far as I'm concerned, stop complaining!

There's nothing more annoying than a person complaining about what's wrong with them, yet sits there all helpless waiting for a unicorn to show up so they can be in awe and finally believe in something and then think that maybe there is something worth living for since you have a new pet unicorn!!! Seriously?!

That's not going to happen, so stop wasting time, try something new...listen to me! You might be shocked at how easy it is to feel better!

Dr. Nobody

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