Friday, March 28, 2014

Fear is probably the worst thing you can find in this world(or spiders)!

No really, fear is the root cause of so many horrible things that we can see just after one minute of watching the news. I don't just mean a phobia of something, I mean the fear that causes us to do what we do. Almost everything we do, we do it out of fear!

We love because we fear of not being loved back. We love because we might fear being alone. We love because we fear what might happen if we don't love. We love because we fear it's opposite.

We are angry because we fear being hurt again. We hate because we fear changing our point of view. We are jealous because we fear we are not good enough. We are emotionless because we fear for the worst.

We go to war because we fear what would happen if we didn't fight back. We lie because we fear the consequences of our own actions. We are materialistic because we fear what other might think of us if we have less. We are tough assholes because we fear being thought of as a pushover. We are violent because we fear loss of control.

We stick to tradition because we fear feeling like a fool for never seeking the truth behind what we believed all this time. We deny God because we fear the changes that need to be made once you know. We stick to a religion because we fear judgment of those we've been seeing every Sunday. We defend our churches even after countless accounts of sexual molestation by the priests because we fear reality.

We give up on our health because we fear the lack of results. We stay in that abusive relationship because we fear that no one else will accept you. We are controlling our wives because we fear that if we don't she will find someone better than me. We fight because we fear that if nothing is ever wrong then maybe it isn't real. We stay together because we fear that we won't find someone who will accept and love your children.

Fear is the root cause of 99% of our actions. Fear is powerful. Fear has been controlling all of us. The funny thing about fear is that it is just an emotion, and God has let us control our own emotions. Yet, we have let an emotion take control over everything we do!!

The few of us who seek the truth, look for  answers that make sense, ask questions, learn who to change along with the new information they receive, are the ones who are taking back the control they have lost. They are the ones who want to find the meaning of being alive!

Thought for the day:

Imagine if Wisdom was the root cause of all our actions!!


Dr. Nobody

Friday, March 14, 2014

The hopelessness one can feel in Depression is so overwhelming. You are consumed by all the negative and sad thoughts of everything you don't have, everything you aren't, everything you have lost. With all of that hitting you all at the same time, you really do feel like you and your life has no value so why even be alive.

Trying to imagine things that seem so far out of your reach, seeing yourself as something better than what you think you are now, and all that has been lost finding it's way back to you, is all so impossible that the best we can do is try to imagine it. And because we are only capable of trying to imagine, nothing seems worthwhile to even give a real effort.

The longer we are stuck in the Hopelessness Suite at The Depression Hotel, the more we want to stay in the room. It's all we know. To us, leaving the room is way too risky. We know how to be sad. We know how to curl up in a ball and cry for hours. We know how to justify the darkness that surrounds us.

We don't know how to let fear go. We don't know how to do something that might just hurt us again. We don't know how to react to new changes that might show us that we have been in hell when we could've been in paradise this whole time. Telling us that all this bad stuff we have been living can all go away in the snap of your fingers only makes us more upset.

How dare you tell us that all the pain and suffering, hurt and the hate, loss and loneliness we have been enduring will all mean nothing if we only come out of the room. How can that be? Does that mean everything I have felt for the last days, months, and years has been for nothing?

And that my friends, is why we might stay in the dark.

Like a terrified animal stuck in that dark corner. It ran there to seek safety in hiding. Not wanting to be seen but able to see the outside. But there is not water no food no light. So now that it's been there quivering in it's dark place, it is also not nourishing it's body. It's eyes have accustomed to the dark and the cold. Seeing the outside world look so scary form here.

But if you don't get out soon, the lack of food, water, and contact with all life forces will bring you to your end.

Just as when the lights turn on and for a split second your eyes  hurt for the new adjustment, so this will be too! I know you don't want to turn on the light. It's bright, I know.

How about if you cover your eyes, I turn on the light, then you slowly uncover your eyes as the start to adjust!

Once you are in the light, you will finally be able to see what wasn't visible while you sat in the darkness! That darkness made everything you saw a shade darker, maybe even black! Now you will see everything as it is and I promise that you will see every brilliant color as it was made to be!

Everything you suffered and have felt while in the darkness is still real, it still means a lot. You didn't suffer for no reason and you have every right to have felt the way you have all that time. Let me help you find out what it was all for!

Thought for the day:

It can take up to 20 years for pearl to be made....but first it's stuck in that dark place in a shell!! (just saying!)


Dr. Nobody

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

It's so easy to use your Depression as an excuse. An excuse to justify your behavior, the lack of trying, and an excuse to not have to have responsibilities that you have gotten away with not having for a very long time!

Just like any other disease, if the suffer uses it in order to gain pity and have everything done for them, then you deserve to suffer from whatever the sickness is. Being mad at the world because you have a problem is not right, and making your family and friends have to deal with it just makes you look worse of a person.

Every human being has the capacity to be great. No matter what ailments we suffer from, we still have the ability to be awesome! There is so much more than staying home and bathing in self pity.

Go out and find what you are good at. If that happens to be a hundred things, then great!

If you refuse to accept that only you can make your Depression better, then so be it. Stay that way...but quit making others pay for your choices!

Now if you have that "Ah ha!" moment, then you just made everyone happy! I don't know you, but even I would be truly happy for you if you have been lost in Depression and then all the sudden you realize that your life is worth living! I want fellow sufferers to find the control they lost when Depression took over their lives. It feels so good so see the progress you make every time you have a low and see that each time it lasts less and less!

Though for the day:

The moment you choose to take back your life, you will start living!

Yours Truly

Dr. Nobody

Friday, March 7, 2014

Today is a very sad day for me. just two years ago I lost my Grandfather.

I was all happy go lucky today until I was accidentally reminded of had happened two years ago today. So far there has been no other even that has been able to compare to this worst day of my life.

He was always supportive and kind to me. He taught me how to cook. The memories of those times are priceless! The memories of him telling me stories of growing up are wonderful! But the advice and lessons he taught me are even more valuable!

I want nothing more to crawl up into a ball and cry all day, but I can't. If I loose my cool, all the work I have done do strengthen myself will have proven to fail. I will do my best to distract myself.

Maybe I'll take my kids to do something fun! Or maybe I'll go to a bookstore, I can spend hours in a bookstore! I might even do a spring cleaning of the house so I can be really distracted!!

All I know is that I have to do something! If I don't occupy my mind with something productive, it will leave time to dwell on the loss. I can't have that.

I'm stronger than that.

I can hold back the tears. It's a choice. I am going to choose to be strong and be the wiser. I know that if I don't control my thoughts, my emotions will take over. But I am one of the strongest persons I know. I intend on keeping it that way!

I am strength. I am wise. I am in control. I am ME!


Dr. Nobody

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

I can't stress enough, the importance of strengthening your ME Reflex. If you have kids and have Depression, it's a matter of life and darkness for you children for you to do so. The chances are pretty high for them to have Depression. You can greatly impact their lives by you being the best you can with managing your Depression so that if they inherit it, theirs will be mild. Mild due to you teaching them how to change the way they perceive and react to problems and people throughout their lives.

My daughter started to show signs of Depression and after two weeks of seeing her crying everyday after school because someone said something that hurt her feeling or because I said "no" to something, I call my Naturopath doctor right away and gave her a remedy. Within days her emotional reactions became more normal. She had only had to take the remedy dose once! Today we still work on building her ME Reflex so that she can maintain her stability.

By me having worked on my ME Reflex all these years, the moment my daughter showed signs of Depression, I was able to address it in time before it could conquer her little heart and mind!  Had I never found the awareness I did, I would've been all involved and lost in my own Depression and never noticed or been aware of my child's mental and emotional state!

By no means should you only strengthen your ME Reflex if you have kids. You HAVE to for your own sake. Not to mention God owns you! Yes, He made you so that you can live! He made the earth so that YOU can enjoy it, breathe the fresh air, smell the rain, see the beauty, feel the thunder, see the endless skies and feel the love for fellow humans! He gave us our senses in order to fully take in all that He has given us, but He also gave us our mind, heart and soul in order to take all that to the 100th degree!

So when we are having a malfunction, we need to do our best to fix it so that we can use what He so kindly gave us!

Thought for the day:

You are your most precious belonging, how well do you take care of your stuff?


Dr. Nobody