Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Be strong and take advantage of when you are clear headed. You never know when another bout of Depression is coming on, so you need to make the most out of your clear skies!

Get rib of as much clutter in your life as you can now that you can really see things they way they are and not the way Depressions fades them.

You have to be strong and trust yourself in these moments. No one else knows you better or what your needs are. This is the time to be brutally honest with yourself. No lies, no avoiding things. Just get it done!

Every time you do this, you will increase your strength...your ME Reflex.

It's time to do a "spring cleaning" and get rid of all the junk. If that means that it is a person that is poisoning your life, then so be it. Get it out!

I'm one of those person who has to do things the moment the idea come to me, otherwise the momentum is lost, and I get nothing done! Any one else like that??

That's goes for absolutely everything I do. Well maybe except parenting! When your kids need, you, they need you! Otherwise, If all the sudden I feel inspired to paint, I paint! I just thought of a story, I write! I'm craving a food and can already smell it, I go and make it! I have something really important on my mind, I pray!

A big part of being an authentic person is doing things when you feel like doing them, not when you have to, are told to, or are obligated to.

Same goes for even taking my advice. Don't do what I recommend, do what you feel like doing because you know it will better your life. And only do it when it feels like it's right. If you force yourself to do something your not feeling at that moment, you will be more prone to fail. When we fail, we go back to being bitter and less willing to seek changes or answers.

Thought for the day:

Don't let a sunny day fade away!


Dr. Nobody

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

You know what I hate? It's when people around you try to justify my actions with their own reasoning.

If you don't like a decision I am making, you have no right to say that I don't know what I  am doing! Just because it does not go in your favor doesn't mean that it must be the Depression talking.

I really hate people who do this. Having Depression sucks and so does having bad people in our lives at the same time. Then when we are fine and we can clearly see all the poison being emitted from these people, we finally have two strong legs to stand on to defend our wellbeing, and they go on like they are the victim now that we want them gone! Really?

If you are only contributing to my Depression then you need to leave. I don't have time for you or the crap you bring. It might take a while to get your stench out but believe me it will be smelling like roses before too long!

It's my life and I don't need you in order to live. You want to be a part of my life, then prove to me why I should let you in!

I have enough problems trying to see the upside to things, to let you come around with a shadow on your arm. If you want to bring some laughter, smile, and life into my door, then great, come right in! Otherwise stay away until you can bring some light into my life.

Sorry if my rule are too demanding, but I was under the impression that the whole reason we have people in our lives was to enjoy each other, support each other, and encourage each other, but apparently I was wrong and we have to endure your bullshit too!


Fellow Depressed Ones, no one has a right to invade you life! It's your life and you get to choose who deserves to share it with you! You don't have time and energy to swim against the current. Take those people out of your life so you can live!


Dr. Nobody

Thursday, April 10, 2014

For having Depression, I watch a lot of dark stuff. I'm not afraid of death. In fact, on my worst days I pray for it. I know that sound absolutely horrible, but that's just the way the mind is!

I like watching forensic TV shows, detective stuff, and other shows that contain graphic images of murders and crimes.


I guess it's a reality check. So much bad is happening every second we are alive, and the thought of that shows me that it's obviously not happening to me, so I'm not doing to bad if I'm not in that situation. I also feel like I am being reminded of how ugly and evil this world is, and every time I see what these horrible people are capable of doing to another human being, I think of how much more I need to protect my children from it.

Not only that but with each account told, I pray for that person or all who were affected by these horrible things done to them. If they died, I pray that God bring them back to a new life!

The things I can't watch, are ones that involve children, those absolutely ruin my day. It also causes me to hate, and although people who could do such things to children deserve to be hated, I can't afford to let hate grow in my heart having Depression.

When I see how easily a person can lose their life over nothing at all, I realize how much I really do want to live! To watch my children grow and discover life themselves! To enjoy every moment that we are in each others lives.

It's so easy to be distracted by everyday tasks, that you never notice the little changes in your children everyday. There truly is something that can be appreciated by each one of them every single day, and that is what those shows help me realize! That I'm not crazy, I'm not lost to the devil, I'm sane in comparison!

If you have Depression and you have done nothing like what is on these shows......then there is hope for you! You are not lost forever, you are just taking the scenic route!


Dr Nobody

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

For those of you who think that there is no help and that you are condemned to a life of Depression forever, you are wrong.

From my experience, the younger you are when you find the right answers, the easier it is to help yourself. Part of the reason that happens is because you have been suffering for so long and every attempt for relief has failed, that you end up becoming so pessimistic. You have every reason to feel that way. It's not your fault that you can't see any way out.

I will tell you this, if someone comes along your way, tells you that you don't have to live in Depressionville anymore, you need to stop what you are doing, and find out what they mean!

Listening to someone might just save your life!

Also, you will change when you are ready for change. It will not be easy and I'm sure you are aware of that, but wanting that change to happen bad enough is what will let you start being open to the change in the first place. When a person refuses help in any form that it is available in, he/she is either not fed up with living in hell yet, or just plain immature for throwing a fit and crossing their arms saying that there is no help!

Reminds me of the lottery commercials: You can't win if you don't play

Depression: You can't see the light if your eyes are shut...dummy!

Or, the one for Almond Milk:  What do you mean you won't try it because you don't know what it tastes like?!

Yeah, dumb right!

So quit pouting, rolling your eyes, and listen.

It's called: Cause and effect

The more you look for answers, the more likely  you will find one! The more you focus on something, the more you details you will be able to see! The more you practice using tools given to you, the more you will master them!

The more you do nothing, the more nothing will happen for you. The more you give up, the more you are giving up. The more obstinate you become, the more obsolete you become!

Which is better? Living the rest of your life complaining about how horrible your life is because you have Depression, or living the rest of your life living so you can leave Depression behind?

Dr Nobody

Friday, April 4, 2014

Believe it or not, as corny as it sounds, writing can help!

Someone I know had tons of issues, about everything. They thought they knew how they felt about things or thought their opinion on something was solid. After asking them various questions, turn out, they had no idea how they really felt about things!

Once they took my advice and started writing, they where not only able to release some stored up pressure, but they also were able to get down to the bottom of their issues. Some things from their past that they had always avoided, finally came out. Having confronted those things, they could now start to heal themselves!

Not only that, but writing your thoughts and feelings about things really helps you discover who you are. And who you are is really important! How can you defend yourself or make the right choices for yourself if you have no idea who you are or what you believe?

Most of us think that no one else knows us better, but the reality is that, most the time you don't either!

If there is something major going on in your life right now, you need to sit down, grab a note pad, and write it all down! Write what is happening, how it is affecting you, what you think about it, how you feel, and what you can learn from it that will strengthen you for the future!

And don't be a smart ass and say that there's nothing you can take away form the experience because it's a bad one!

There is a negative for every positive, an opposite! So no matter how horrible the event is that is happening to you, there is always going to be that one positive thing(or maybe a few), that can completely change what is happening to you.

Most of us never see a positive side when something negative is happing to us. We are blinded from it. But you don't have to be, you can choose to see it if you want to. I'm telling you that for your own good! Open your eyes, look around, and look for the little spec of light! It will get bigger the closer you get to it!

You will be surprised what you will find out about yourself once you see what you look like on paper!


Dr. Nobody