Monday, June 30, 2014

Keep Silent!

Sometimes silence is the greatest source of power!

For as much as you would like to defend yourself and prove your innocence, there are times when the fight is pointless. More often than not, our opponent has no control over his/her own words, emotions, and actions.

In these cases, why waste your energy on such a person! The moment you start to blurt out your defense, in the intensity of the moment you are likely to say a few things you hadn't meant to. Not only that but, have you seen a person argue by themselves? It's funny! They get so mad because the are failing to get a reaction out of you! They feel powerless. And once they see you are not falling for their drama, the feel ridiculous, which usually cause them so become very angry!!

I find this amusing. Is that mean?!

I feel like, the more you keep your mouth shut, even though you have done nothing wrong and you really want to clear your good name, by saying nothing, you are filled with all this power. So much that even your chest is held out high for not letting out one word! But the second you waste your time defending yourself to meaningless argument by a meaningless person, you start to deflate like a balloon. Congratulations, you just became meaningless too!

The chances of that person believing you in the first place are really low anyway. Why bother correcting people like that. You know the truth and that's enough. If a person does not want to accept all the truths about you, they can go find people full of lies so that their accusations, claims, judgments and opinions can be made true!

Don't do it, don't feed the flame. If that person feels the need to attack you and is incapable of seeing the truth, then they don't deserve to have you in the first place! Consider the source! Monkey see monkey do. You don't have to be a monkey, that's all I'm saying!

Let the monkey act like one, when it sees you not partaking in the ridiculous behavior, it will go find other monkeys to act like a fool with!

You on the other hand, act like a mature human being and you will attract the same type of people in your life!

Thought of the day:

No monkey business!

Dr. Nobody

Friday, June 27, 2014

Get your control back!
Did you now that people, things, or past events only have control over us because have yet to make a decision! Yep, if it's a person who seems to have control over you, it's only because you are unsure of your own decisions, fear the reaction of that person should you gain your freedom back, and strangely, you are mistaking their control over you for guidance. You feel that, even though they are a pain to deal with, they still look after you, protect you. The truth, though is that they are really doing you more harm. But you aren't quite sure of what to do, you might know what you should do, but you have not made up your mind. So until you do, they will always have control over you!

If it's a thing controlling you, like a vice or phobia, you have not made a decision. Believe it or not, when a person "decides" to do something, there is a whole lot going on in your mind, heart and body. First, your mind a chosen and has weighed the options and 98% sure. Then your heart/feelings(1%) start to change. You become confidant and your feelings start to show on your face and you might even adjust your posture, and that's the body accepting your decision (1%). The end result is that you just fed your soul. It feels so great to make a decision, express yourself, and be satisfied and proud of your decision!

When a memory has control over you, you have not come to terms with what has happened. Not only that but you also are harboring negative feelings about the memory and how it made you feel at that time. You are stuck on the past. It is the most powerful control out there. Control over the mind. What are the chance if you are keeping something negative, that you become negative? It doesn't really make sense to keep holding the "hot potato", does it! Toss it!

Like I said, though, this is the toughest one. A person can stay in your life or leave it if you want. A vice or fear can be easily conquered. But for something that happened to you which the memory of destroys you, it take a whole lot of courage to stand up to it!

But it will always be there to inflict the same pain, until you DECIDE it will no longer!

So to help you decide: Be ok with how it made you feel. Don't ever be ashamed of how you feel or felt. Own up to it. Your feeling are precious and they make up the billions of personalities that make us all unique! But what are your actions after the fact? That's what needs regulating.

You decide how you react so that your actions give you no fault. Decide. We are given free will, so use it to your benefit!


Dr. Nobody

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Today is a big day for you! I bet you didn't even know it! Yes, today you have a major decision to make!

Did you know that everyday when you wake up, you have Control? The very moment you open those eyes, before any thoughts come into your head and reflect on your feeling, you have 100% percent control!

Say: Today I will remain in control. I am the boss here. Any negative thoughts will be fired immediately.  If you don't like, you know where the door is! I don't have time for you if you have nothing to add to my day. So if you start taking away from my day, you are cut off!

When you start to think this way everyday that you wake up, it will become habit and you will start your day with control over your Depression. Pretty soon, when something happens that want to put a damper on your day, your new found control will not let it!
This is how you take back the starting line. Its always been there, just hanging out there! A line on the ground, waiting for you to take a stand in front of it! So....ready....on your mark...get set...........START!!!!!!!!!  
 I'll race you! If I win, you treat me to ice cream, you win I treat you. In the end.....we both get ice cream!! Win win!
Dr. Nobody

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

We can't call ourselves "human" anymore!

Who are we? What have we done to each other? The is nothing humane about us these days! We fight, we kill, we abuse, we neglect, we rape, we betray, we judge, we lie.

Our actions are no different than wild animals. Trying to intimidate in order to shy away the week. Challenging one another with such fierce aggression. Like freaking lions in Africa, it's all come down to the best hunting grounds and biggest territory. Destroying cubs that are not your offspring and only the acceptance of your own blood. Carelessly exiling "unworthy" "lame" members of the pride. Attacking outsiders just for getting too close. All about dominance.

There is no difference between them and us! How sad.

No wonder God put a detailed list of the Fruitages of the Spirit. He knew that without these qualities, what this world would come to!

Good news is, although we can't persuade others to start acting like humans...we sure can!

Did you know that doing something good for someone else actually makes us feel good? Yep, being an  altruist has been chemically proven to feel good. Just like when you eat your favorite foods, you feel so satisfied with every bite!

Well maybe, just maybe, if we all started to help one another out with no intentions of personal gain, your might start to feel a little happier!

Thought for the day:

Cause and effect....duh!

Dr. Nobody

Friday, June 20, 2014

Is there something in your past that you just can't seem to get over? You feel like it just happened yesterday and the pain you still feel is so real, no matter how long ago it happened? The memory of the even is so vivid, no matter how hard you try to delete it, it just wont go away!

I'm sorry to tell you that you can't delete it. It will be there forever and the images stuck in your head will pop up forever.

There is something you can do, though, you can  change how the memory of the event affect you. You can lessen the hurt and the hate. You can do this so much that instead of the memory sending you into a "low", it only hurts for a few hours, then only hurts for 15 minutes. From that point, every time that memory pops up, it will only be a passing thought and you will have such an insignificant reaction to it that it doesn't affect you anymore. The memory of the even will no longer be able to control you!

To do this, you have to dissect the event and recognize at what point specifically, do you feel, changed you for the worst. If another person was involved, and you feel that they are responsible for what happened to you, then we need to look into why they did what they did. If it was just an event that happened and you were just there at the wrong place and time, then this will actually be a little easier.

Remember that you have every right to feel however you feel. In order for this to work, getting over something, you have to be willing to  change the way you see the event so that it can change the way you will now start feeling about it.

We all know that the first step to healing is to clean out those wounds. It's the most painful part, but the sooner you do it, the sooner it will heal, and the sooner you can go and get scraped up again...just kidding! No, but really, you gotta clean out your wounds so that you can move on. Let nothing hold you back!

If you would like to get started on that process email me at:

Happy healing!

Dr. Nobody

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

As you can see, by the lack of new posts, I have been doing well! I seem to get a lot of my inspiration from my "lows".

You too can go along time feeling better than usual. Before you know it, feeling well and inspired to live will be your new "usual".

Nobody is going to magically appear and wish your worries away. There is now Night in Shining Armor to make you feel better. There is no such Goddess who will use her charms to take your Depression away.

That's all you!

You have to do it! All you have to do is change your mindset. MINDSET.

If you can perceive something the opposite you do now, then the feeling you have now would be the opposite too!

Right now you feel hopeless, worthless, mad, hateful even. You have no desire to change anything you do because it's a waste of time and energy since you know nothing will work anyway. You are tired of feeling disappointed and getting your hopes up. You are also afraid of doing something that would actually work and then you think you will feel like a fool for not having the answer earlier, especially when  you find out the answer was a simple one.

All those negative thoughts and feelings are understandable, but, do you really want your Depression to go away? Don't say yes if you are not willing to do something about it! I don't care how many pills you've tried, how many psychologists  you have seen, how many times you've been "admitted", how many "attempts" you've made, or how many people you know think you just want attention. If you do not want to take a persons advice in order to help yourself find some relief, then as far as I'm concerned, stop complaining!

There's nothing more annoying than a person complaining about what's wrong with them, yet sits there all helpless waiting for a unicorn to show up so they can be in awe and finally believe in something and then think that maybe there is something worth living for since you have a new pet unicorn!!! Seriously?!

That's not going to happen, so stop wasting time, try something new...listen to me! You might be shocked at how easy it is to feel better!

Dr. Nobody

You can't turn to God for help if you have no idea who He is!
I have seen others roll their eyes and walk away when someone mentions God when it comes to seeking help. I understand the reaction, and would probably react the same if I did not have much back round in a faith or know much about God in the first place.

Or you could be one who grew up in a certain faith and had a horrible experience and since then has not sought to reconcile your own religious beliefs.

Either way, I think it is unreasonable to hit someone with God as being the answer to all their problems when they have yet to get to know Him. Do they even know that God wants them to be close to Him? Do they believe in God? Do they know God has a name just like they do?

How can you tell a person who has only been suffering for years from Depression that God is the answer!

If God isn't real to you, how can He help you?

Honestly, you aren't ready for God's help right now! You will be ready when you aren't mad at the world and blaming everyone for your problems. You cant be open to God's love with all that hate in your heart. You can't understand what He has in store for you if you refuse to listen in order to understand! You won't be able to enjoy life if you hide in the shadows.

Just like a child can't learn in a hostile environment, being yelled at, nose stuck in books being forced to listen or read when really they are only hating the entire experience. Ahhh, but a child surrounded by colors, bright images, a playful teacher, music and patience will learn anything you put in front of it!!!

Except your not a get yourself out of your hostile environment and get ready to learn new things and be open to feeling how great it feels to be full of new insights, wisdom and faith!

Thought for the day:

It's amazing how easy it is to climb out of a hole when a hand is reached out to you, but if you think you got this....let's see how long it takes you to get out by yourself!  Or...just take His hand!

Dr. Nobody